Ensuring your beloved pet has a home, no matter what life throws at you.
Who We Are
The charity’s core team comprises our CEO/Operations Manager, Bec Wilson Sarah Kinkade, Assistant Operations Manager and our ‘hands-on’ Founders and Trustees.
We are based in Stamford on the border of Rutland and Lincolnshire and became a Registered Charity in 2013. The Mutts Nutts Rescue team are proud to have helped many elderly and poorly owners with their pets through difficult times and to have brought joy and companionship to new owners who have provided loving homes to pets in need.
What We Do
The Mutts Nutts Rescue provides a fostering service for pets whose owners face a spell in hospital, with volunteers taking pets into their homes and supplying love and care in abundance until the owner and pet can be reunited.
How We Can Help
How To Help Us
About The Mutts Nutts Rescue
Charlie helped me through the loneliness of lockdowns when, in common with “elderly” people everywhere I missed mixing with my family and friends. He was always there to make me smile and come rain or shine we would walk around the village where he has made many friends, human and canine alike.
I am eternally grateful to The Mutts Nutts Rescue for introducing me to Charlie, he has brought real joy and companionship into my life and I, in return, have been able to give him a loving forever home that he so deserves.